Mindset is Everything

Published by RarimoC on

Mindset is Everything

and here's Exactly why....

Mindset is everything. And here’s exactly why.

Picture this. You’re trapped in a maze. You need to get to the other side, but you’re unsure about where to go. In addition to the hundreds of possible ways to go, there are people pointing in many different directions adding to the confusion. But, no matter what you do, you’re still stuck. Your excitement has morphed into anxiety, frustration, fear, and even despair. Then, directly in front of you, you see an electronic platform marked “Mindset”. You take it up, and magically the maze disappears.  

It’s the same with us.

As a leadership and mindset coach, I’ve helped so many go from just learning what to do to be successful to actually being successful.

Many had followed the prescribed methods of what you’re “supposed” to do, yet still found themselves stuck. Until, I helped them with a key missing component, the key to unlocking greatness… mindset.

Did you know that organizations worldwide spend roughly $357.7 billion (that’s with a “b”) on leadership development? But when surveyed, 75% of organizations (that’s 3 out of 4) rate their leadership development programs as ineffective. Ouch.

Why? It isn’t because the leadership development programs don’t contain valuable information. It isn’t because they don’t teach effective operating models and structures. It’s because most overlook the true foundational key to success: mindset. And mindset is everything.

Global spend and rate of ineffectiveness for leadership training

Peter Drucker, the man BusinessWeek magazine titled “the man who invented management”, is famously quoted saying: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

What is culture?

In its broadest terms, culture is “learned and shared patterns of being in the world” (Whiten et al., 1999).

And guess how patterns are formed….

Patterns are formed by what you habitually think.

What you think over and over again affects how you feel.

How you think and feel influences what you will or won’t do.

Your actions or inactions impact your experiences and results.

From the “evidence” experience produces, you draw conclusions and beliefs.

Your beliefs create the building blocks for how you view everything. How you see your world and everything in it affects your thoughts and feelings, which influence what you do or don’t do, which impact your experience, etc.

I call that the Creation Cycle. Whether you realize it or not, you are the creator of your experience. And, it all hinges on what and how you choose to think.

No matter what strategies or models someone learns, unless their mindset matches, they’ll never consistently act in the ways that will get them the experiences or results they’re chasing.

So truly, mindset eats strategy for breakfast.

If you think the way you’ve always thought, you’ll keep getting what you’ve always got.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

Change the way you think about something, and you’ll be empowered to change your experience.

That’s why mindset is everything. 

Categories: Tips