Rain Drops, Like Thoughts

Rain Drops Keep Falling… 4 Steps to Halt Brain chatter Researchers say we have anywhere from 50,000-80,000 thoughts per day. They also say that 95% of thoughts are repetitive (Groundhog Day, after day, after day, after day…) and unfortunately 80% of our thoughts are negative. Sometimes rain, like thoughts, is Read more…

Mental Massage

Take Power Breaks

Take Power Breaks mental massage instead of just mental time off Usually, we take breaks to recharge ourselves, but ways we do it aren’t usually efficient ways of actually recharging our minds. We zone out, let go, and give our minds a rest. BUT these things are only mildly refreshing Read more…

Anxiety and Your Brain

Anxiety and Your Brain P.S. You’re not Crazy Tight chest? Rapid breathing? Headaches? Upset stomach? Dizziness? Nausea? Fidgetiness? Keep feeling like something bad is going to happen or just plain feeling fear for seemingly no reason at all? Convinced you’re either dying or going crazy? Well, you’re not. Most likely Read more…