Captain of Your Soul or Just a Shipmate?

Published by RarimoC on

Captain of Your Soul or Just a Shipmate?

Power Of Visualization

New research has shown that thoughts literally establish neural pathways in the brain. When your thoughts have been running in a certain direction for a long period of time, like the water of a river, they have been eroding a deep riverbed, and the water can flow in only one direction.

With every pessimistic thought, they dig that riverbed deeper each time.

Over time, the flow accelerates, growing stronger as it goes, programming your mind to negativity.

The Great News

You can cause a new river to flow, one going in a positive direction, through visualization.

When you start seeing and allowing yourself to connect with believing and feeling the best in yourself, others and situations, little by little, one thought at a time, you are redirecting the flow of that river.

At first, just a little water will trickle out into the positive stream. As you continue to reject negative thoughts, choose optimism instead of pessimism, that negative stream WILL dwindle and the new river will flow with greater force.

If you keep it up over time, that old negative river starts to dry up. Through the process, it goes from being a rushing force, to a stream, to a mere tickle, then an old dried up riverbed which is no longer used. At the same time, you will discover you have created a whole new river that is flowing with positive, confidence-filled thoughts full of desirable pristine water rather than bitter water.

you Get to Choose

When negative thoughts come, stop and think about what you’re thinking about.

Decide to IMMEDIATELY change a negative thought to a positive one.

Here’s why: Your brain doesn’t distinguish between good and bad. It just believes what you tell it.

One thing a university professor of mine said that I have always remembered is that when you say one negative comment about yourself, to get back to a neutral state, you have to say SEVEN positive opposite comments.

Trouble/Stress is inevitable but misery is optional. You decide.

    It’s your choice. I choose to exclaim “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.”* 

    How about you?

*Read “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley:

Categories: Mindset